Khamis, 18 Julai 2013

advantages of using computer


(1) Storage

While human brains can contain a high level of information to use in making a decision, a computer's "brain" can contain even more data and information, depending on the storage space it is connected to. With a higher capacity for more data, especially data that a human brain might not retain, such as complex equations, more information can be incorporated into the "brain" or algorithm of the computer in its decision making, leading to better results.

(2) Speed and Accuracy

Computers can process information much faster than a human brain. One advantage to computers making decisions is that you will have decisions made faster and more accurately than a human brain, which may get hung up with different factors involving the decision, leading to slower overall results. Also, unlike people who can become tired or suffer from a lack of concentration and deliver inaccurate decisions, a well-tuned computer is always alert and can process reams of information without growing bored or tired, leading to more precise results.

(3) High Cost

The high cost of purchasing the right computer equipment, including a high amount of computer memory and store, is one disadvantage to computer technology in decision making. Also, the cost of a computer professional to write the algorithm you'll need for your type of decision can come at a high price. By the time your equipment is purchased and your algorithm is written, it may also already be obsolete since technology is constantly advancing and building on what already works to make it better.

(4) Employee Morale and Subjectivity

With a computer making decisions, certain managers may feel that their own decision-making skills aren't seen as important, which can diminish employee morale. Also, unlike people who can be subjective and rational, computers can only be rational. By eliminating subjectivity in the decision-making process, the result may lack certain elements you are concerned about.


computer components

1.       Case with hardware inside:


    1. Power Supply - The power supply comes with the case, but this component is mentioned separately since there are various types of power supplies. The one you should get depends on the requirements of your system. This will be discussed in more detail later
    2. Motherboard - This is where the core components of your computer reside which are listed below. Also the support cards for video, sound, networking and more are mounted into this board.


      1. Microprocessor - This is the brain of your computer. It performs commands and instructions and controls the operation of the computer.
      2. Memory - The RAM in your system is mounted on the motherboard. This is memory that must be powered on to retain its contents.
      3. Drive controllers - The drive controllers control the interface of your system to your hard drives. The controllers let your hard drives work by controlling their operation. On most systems, they are included on the motherboard, however you may add additional controllers for faster or other types of drives.


2.       Hard disk drive(s) - This is where your files are permanently stored on your computer. Also, normally, your operating system is installed here.

3.       CD-ROM drive(s) - This is normally a read only drive where files are permanently stored. There are now read/write CD-ROM drives that use special software to allow users to read from and write to these drives.

4.       Floppy drive(s) - A floppy is a small disk storage device that today typically has about 1.4 Megabytes of memory capacity.

5.       Other possible file storage devices include DVD devices, Tape backup devices, and some others.


6.       Monitor - This device which operates like a TV set lets the user see how the computer is responding to their commands.

7.       Keyboard - This is where the user enters text commands into the computer.

8.       Mouse - A point and click interface for entering commands which works well in graphical environments.

computer history and its generations

Does computers also has genesis? Yes! History of computers mentioned above tell us that the computer in past was not alike the present computers. With the technological advancements, computer regularly changed in many aspects. Study of this advancement systematized as the generations of computers. There are two opinions about the generations of computers. According to one opinion there are four generations of computers whereas according to the other opinion, there are five generations of computers.

Generation of computer distinguish by a major technological advancement which introduce more efficient, more powerful, more reliable and cheaper device with the fundamental change in the way computers operate.

Vacuum tubes were used in the First Generation of computers for circuitry. Electrostatic tubes (CRT) or mercury delay lines were used for memory. EDVAC is an example of first generation computer. First generation computers used lot of electricity and generated lot of heat. Machine language was mainly used for computer programming at the time of first generation of computers.

First generation computers mainly used in science and engineering field.

There were two major changes in technology in second generation computers over the first generation computers. First change was the use of magnetic drums instead of mercury lines, and the second remarkable change was the use of transistors instead of vacuum tubes. These transistors were made of germanium semi-conductor. There were many advantages of using transistors over vacuum tubes. Transistors were more reliable in comparison of vacuum tubes. Transistors occupied less space, less power consumption, less heat generation were few of the main advantages of using transistors in second generation computers.

Mainly High level languages (HLL), i.e. FORTRAN, COBOL used for programming in second generation computers.

The first computers of this generation were developed for the atomic energy industry.



Around 1964-1965, there was a revolution in the era of electronics and computers. Silicon chips or silicon transistors replaced the germanium transistors of second generation in the third generation of computers. Integrated circuits came in existence first time in third generation computers in silicon chips. A single silicon chip contained many transistors, capacitors and resistors. This not only eliminated the use of many components separately, but also eliminated the need of wiring for connecting all the components. Result of all this was dramatic reduction in the size of third generation computers. Reliability of silicon chips were considerably high than that of the germanium transistors. Speed of computers were also increased noticeably with the less power consumption and less heat generation.

Also, there were some improvements in memory of third generation computers. Capacity of main memory of computers increased. New Input/Output devices were also introduced in third generation of computers. Keyboard, Optical scanner, MICR, Monitor were available for common man with third generation computers.

New High Level Languages like ForTran IV was developed. Operating system software were introduced due to which it became possible to use computer for many general purpose applications with the ability of multitasking.

Fourth generation computers use microprocessor chips. More capable transistors also came in existence which are called Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSI). One VLSI can contain up to 10,000 transistors. It reduced size of computers. Cost of fourth generation computers also came down in comparison of third generation computers. It became possible to keep a personal computer.

Main memory capacity reached to 100 MB which was considerably high in comparison of third generation computers. Floppy disks and magnetic tapes came in existence for secondary memory. Graphic applications and graphic devices developed in fourth generation computers. Computer networking also developed in fourth generation of computers.

In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer for the home user. In 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh.

Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in development, though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are being used today. The use of parallel processing and superconductors is helping to make artificial intelligence a reality. Automatic programming, Control of Robots, Pattern recognition are possible in fifth generation computers.